Because I sometimes find things to read that I feel are worth- while I'd like to pass them along to you. Not all of them have a direct relationship to our field, but all will be worth reading.
EARTH ABIDES by George R. Stewart Ace Star pocket books 50¢ A wonderful science fiction book by an author I found wonderful years ago for his book called STORM. A story of a small band of humans left after a national disaster and how they faced the prob- lems of carrying on. Really makes you think about many things
usually taken for granted.
THE IMPORTANCE OF WEARING CLOTHES by Lawrence Langnor, pub. by Hastings House. A regular full size book covering the history and social significance of clothing of all kinds since early times. Doesn't even miss T. C. Jones, Julian Eltings & d'Eon. Profusely illustrated too, you'll find it a store house of interest- ing information and new thoughts about clothing.
VENUS PLUS X by Theodore Sturgeon Pyramid Books, a pocketbook. This too is a science fiction effort, but is also a rather remark- able study of the matter of sex and gender with some very worth- while bits of philosophy thrown in here and there. One phrase I like very much is, Most of the world's troubles began when we started to emphasize the differences between the sexes rather than the similarities." I think you'll find this worthy.
THE NYMPH AND THE SATYR by Arthur Farmer. All Star Books 50¢. More science fiction about a guy who gets hexed into a girl's body and out again several different times. Strictly fiction.
And one to buy- THE CIRCLE OF SEX by Gavin Arthur. A small but very thought provoking book which I recomment to you sufficiently strongly that I have bought a supply from the publisher to distribute to TVia subscribers. A small paper covered book that covers a world of thinking about the subject of sex. Not about sexual behavior, but about the various types of sexual personalities both male and female. 12 types, 6 male, 6 female, where do you fall? PRICE $2.75 postage included. Order directly from CHEVALIER PUBLICATIONS. PLEASE DON'T SEND COINS BY MAIL use check or M.O.